21 Ramadan 1434 AH / 31 July 2013 CE
When Ramadan comes, the doors of mercy are opened, the doors of fire are shut and the devils are jailed.1 When Ramadan enters the door of heaven opens, the door of hell shuts and the devils are put in chains.2 When Ramadan arrives we are primed for reward, the barriers to good are lowered and the enemy sentry is removed. We have but our inner demon which is weakened through fasting. This is a great opportunity from Allah Almighty who has made it easy for us to acquire his grace. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! There is none worthy of worship but him, verily Allah is the greatest and all praise is to Him.
When Ramadan comes, the doors of mercy are open3 ; so do more good deeds and seek His mercy. All praise is to Allah, the all-merciful and all-kind. Indeed, he has granted us ease, saved us from hardship and made provision for our weaknesses. He has paved the way to his mercy and we must not squander this chance. So fast when the [moon of Ramadan] is sighted and finish when [the moon of shawwal] is seen. If [the moon cannot be sighted due to it being] shrouded, fast thirty days.4
When Ramadan comes, the doors of heaven are open; fast for it has been prescribed within it.5 Heaven has eight doors. One of these doors is called Rayyan. None shall enter it, except those who fast.6 Indeed, fasting and this month have been afforded a special status. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ said, “Every deed of the child of Adam is rewarded ten to seven hundredfold. Allah Almighty says,'Except for Fast as it is for me and I shall give recompense on it for they discarded their desires and food for me.' There are two joys for those who fast; the joy when they finish their fast and the joy when meeting their lord. The smell from the mouth of those who fast is more fragrant to Allah than the smell of musk.”7
When Ramadan comes, the door of heaven is open; recite the Quran within it for Ramadan is also the month of the Quran. It is in Ramadan that the Quran was first revealed as a mercy for all existence. Through it, mankind was given a chance at eternal salvation for it had clear evidence for guidance and distinction between right and wrong. Recite, and recite often, day and night. The fast and Quran will both intercede for a person in the day of judgement. The fast will say, O Lord! ‘I prevented him from food and desires, let me intercede for him. The Quran will say, ‘I prevented him from sleep at night, let me intercede for him’…both their request will be accepted.8
When Ramadan comes, the doors of hell are shut; so desist from evil and seek forgiveness. Those who fast believing [in Allah] and expecting reward [from Him], the sin of that which has passed will be forgiven.9 In Ramadan, fast the month, fulfil your obligations and refrain from sins. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The five time salah, one jumu’a to the next, and one Ramadan to another Ramadan, is recompense for that which is between the two, so long as one refrains from grave sins.”
When Ramadan comes, the door of hell is shut; so repent and seek the night of power within. There is a night in Ramadan, the night of power, laylat al-Qadr which is better than a thousand months.10 The exact date has been hidden so seek this night through prolonged additional prayers, recitation and supplication throughout the nights. Those who stay up [praying] in Laylat al-Qadr believing [in Allah] and expecting reward [from Him], the sin of that which has passed will be forgiven.11 The Prophet ﷺ states, "Woe be on the person upon whom Ramadan enters and then passes without them being able to have their sins forgiven."12
When Ramadan comes, the devils are chained; so do not become the agent of shaytan and a cause for corruption. Fasting is a shield.13 When amongst you one starts the day fasting, let them not be lewd or cause a commotion. If they are sworn at or fought against, say, “I am fasting, I am fasting”.14 Those who do not refrain from repulsive statements and bad deeds, Allah has no need for them to refrain from eating and drinking.15
When Ramadan comes, the devils are put in jail; so be mindful of the rights of others and seek freedom from the fire of hell. Do not backbite or tolerate it in your presence; control your tongue and avoid trivial matters. Control your eyes and do not rape with your gaze. Do not encroach upon another’s wealth and return what is not yours. Beware of the curse given by the oppressed person who is fasting. The call of three people is not rejected; a person fasting when they break their fast, a just ruler and the oppressed.16 Trust in Allah and remove your dependence from the people (if possible seclude yourself in i'tikaf); this is the path to acquiring salvation from the fire without it ever touching you.
When Ramadan comes, the doors of mercy are open so do more good, recite the Quran and fast for it has been prescribed. When Ramadan comes, the door of fire is shut so desist from evil, repent and seek Laylat al-Qadr. When Ramadan comes, the devils are put in jail so do not become the agent of shaytan or cause corruption; be mindful of the rights of others and seek freedom from the fire of hell. Ramadan is a great gift from Allah; utilise it, do not squander it. Our lord! Give us the best in this world, give us the best in the hereafter and save us from the fire of hell.
Muhammad Saifur Rahman Nawhami
London, England
21 Ramadan 1434
31 July 2013
- 1Sahih Muslim #1079
- 2Sahih Bukhari #1800, 3103 and Sahih Muslim #1079
- 3Sahih Bukhari #1799
- 4Sahih Muslim #1080, Sahih Bukhari #1801, #1807, #1808; Nasa’I #2120
- 5Quran 2:183
- 6Bukhari #1797
- 7Muslim #1151
- 8Musnad Ahmad #6589
- 9Bukhari #1802 and Muslim #760
- 10Quran 97:3
- 11 Bukhari #1802 and Muslim #760
- 12Tirmidhi #3454; Musnad Ahmad #7402
- 13Bukhari #1795
- 14Muslim #1151
- 15Bukhari #1804, Tirmidhi #707, Abu Dawud #2362
- 16Tirmidhi
Type: Article, Speech
Author: M. Saifur Rahman Nawhami
Collection: Ijtima
ID: 130717501
Updated: 05-November-2023