9 Rajab, 1438 AH / 6 Mar 2017 CE
By Muhammad Saifur Rahman Nawhami - 7 Jumada II 1438 | 6 March 2017
Dua is the essence of worship
Dua (ن) Lit. To ask, supplicate, call.
Mukhkh pl. Mikhakh (ن). Lit. marrow, brain, core, essence.
Ibadah (ن) Lit. To worship.
Dua is mubtada. Mukhkh is mudhaf and Ibadah is mudhaf ilayhi. Mudhaf and mudhaf ilayhi combined becomes khabr. Mubtada and khabr combined becomes jumlah ismiyyah khabriyyah.
Dua is an ibadah.1 Dua is a great ibadah. 2 Dua is the essence of ibadah.3 Do not assume that dua is wasted if it is unanswered rather Allah Almighty rewards on the mere act of asking for it is ibadah. He Almighty does not waste any dua; He grants the dua or gives recompense in the hereafter. In doing dua we humble ourselves to Allah, forsake others and seek His grace; this is the essence of ibadah. The example of a person who does not dua is like a person who has done hard labour, then was paid but refuses to benefit from that pay. Allah Almighty says, ‘Ask and I will answer’.4 So do dua, it in essence is worship.
- 1روي الامام أبو داود في سننه أن رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم قال الدعاء هو العبادة و سنده صحيح
- 2روي الحاكم في مستدركه عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أنه قال الدعاء افضل العبادة. صححه الحاكم و وافق عليه الامام الذهبي و قيل هو موقوف علي قول ابن عباس
- 3روي الامام الترمذي الدعاء مخ العبادة و تكلم علي سنده لان فيه ابن لهيعة و هو سيء الحفظ
- 4و في سورة الغافر (60) و قال ربكم ادعني استجب لكم
Type: Note
Subject: Zad al-Talibin, Arabic
Author: M. Saifur Rahman Nawhami
Collection: Notebook
ID: 170306501
Updated: 07-November-2023